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Mrs. Mani Govil

Mrs. Mani Govil

Assistant Professor(SOC)
Email ID: mani.govil@nmims.edu

PhD (Mumbai University-Pursuing, MBA-Finance (IMT Ghaziabad, MCom(Applied Economics)

Subject teaching:



Major Achievements, Honours and Awards, Certifications

Qualified NET in Economics in 2015

Best Student Award in B.A (Ist, IInd and IIIrd year)-1989 to 1992

Gold medal for achieving highest marks in Delhi University in B.A

Paper setter for Business Economics II for BBI and BIM-Mumbai University

Teaching Experience

12 years

Teaching Interest

Business Economics, Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Business Environment, Banking, Financial Institutions & Services

Service to the University

Faculty In charge of Female Welfare Committee, Faculty Mentor Student council(SOC), Faculty member-Cultural Committee

Ph.D. - Topic

" A study of Asset quality of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India since 2008”

Research Interest

Economic determinants, Macroeconomics, Financial institutions, Investment analysis


1.A review of key economic characteristics of unincorporated non agricultural enterprises(excluding construction) in India”, Jan-June 2020, International journal of research, ISSN 2231-6124

2.EU-India trade relations and the stumbling blocks” SRM-IMT Journal of Business & Management Research, 2013

3.International Diversification-Can it reduce Systemic risk?, Quest, TIMS, Volume III, Issue II, Augist 2013

4."Determinants of inward FDI in Developing Countries: Evidence from a time series data analysis”, Anvesha, the journal of management, Oct-Dec 2013

5."An empirical study of PSU stocks- A performance evaluation” Journal of management development and research-June 2012.

6."Financial performance of top ranking Indian banks in the post crisis period”, Aayam, AKGIM Journal of Management. Vol 2, Issue 1 and 2, Jan-Dec 2012.

  1. "Risk-Return Evaluation of ELSS funds during 2008-11: An Empirical Analysis” International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research- December 2011.
  2. "The Financial Tsunami and the Indian Banking Sector”, Journal of International Economics, institute of Pubic Enterprise, Vol1, No.1, January-June 2010

9."Trends and Returns of Initial Public Offerings in India with Special reference to the period 2006-08”, Abhigyan, management Journal from Fore, Vol XXVII- No.3, Oct-December 2009


1.‘A study of brand consciousness towards brand apparel among college students with special reference to Navi Mumbai’, YMT College of Management,2018

2.‘E-governance Initiatives in the State of Maharashtra’held in National Conference in Mumbai University,2018

3."Fed Tapering- turmoil inIndian rupee”, paper presented and published in National Conference on "Changing Trends & Sustainable Management Practices: Developments and Dimensions in the Area of Commerce”, University of Mumbai.

4.‘Current status, challenges and potential for Innovation in the MSME Sector held at the International Conference "Organizations Sans Boundaries’ ,February 18,2017, AIMSR Mumbai.

5.‘Emergence of India as a Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities’ International Conference, January 2015, Sterling Institute of Management studies, Mumbai and JJTU university.

6."Agricultural asymmetry; has it been addressed?” - December 16, 2010, at International Conference at IIM, Lucknow- Noida Campus

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