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Ms. Neha Jain

Ms. Neha Jain

Assistant Professor

MH-SET, G-SET, Ph.D. from Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat (An Institute of National Importance)- Pursuing, LL.M. (Criminal and Security Laws, Symbiosis Law School, Pune), B.L.S./LL.B. (SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Mithibai, Mumbai)

Email ID:neha.jain@nmims.edu

Subject teaching:

Family Law-II,

Penology, Victimology and Correctional Institutions,

Criminal Sociology

Major Achievements, Honours and Awards, Certifications

Diploma in Internet laws and Policy, Gujarat National Law University

Diploma in Cyber Laws, Asian School of Cyber Laws.

Awarded RRU Doctoral fellowship, February 2021.

8 weeks FDP Certificate course (Elite) on Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality from NPTEL, AICTE in collaboration with IIT Kanpur and Swayam in April, 2020.

Teaching Experience

2 years

Teaching Interest

Law of Crimes, Cyber Laws, Family laws, Criminology & Penology, Law of Contracts, Law of Torts

Service to the University

Assistant Professor at SVKM’s NMIMS University, School of Law, Navi Mumbai. Faculty Mentor of Debate and Diplomacy Committee.

Ph.D. - Topic

Tentative Title: National Security vis-à-vis Fake News on Social Media: Its implications and solutions

Research Interest

Gender and Law, Cyber law, Criminal laws.

Recent Publications

Chapter: "Paradigm Shift of Legal Education in Globalizing World vis-à-vis National Educational Policy, 2020” in book 'Globalization of Professional Legal Education: Constitutional Conspectus' published by Bloomsbury, ISBN: 978-93-54350-82-5, 2021.

Research Paper: "Dowry- A Socio-Legal Perspective”, Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care Journal), ISSN: 2394-3114, Impact Factor 6.3, Vol. 40 Issue 60 in March, 2020.

"Judiciary as harbinger in the protection and promotion of women empowerment”, Lex Humanitariae: Journal for change (Impact Factor 5.042), Vol II Issue IV, 2021.

"Countering Misinformation during elections in India”, Asian Thinker, Vol. II, Issue 14, 2022.


"Paradigm Shift of legal Education in globalizing world vis-a-vis National Education Policy, 2020” at International Conference on Globalization of Professional Legal Education: Constitutional Conspectus organized by Bennett University on 3rd April, 2021.

"Striking an equilibrium between Privacy and National Security on Social Media” at National Conference organized by KLE Society Law College, Bengaluru on 30th July, 2021.

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