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Dr. Shailendra S. Aote

Dr. Shailendra S. Aote

Associate Professor,

STME, Navi Mumbai, India.


PhD (CSE-2017), M. Tech (CSE-2009), B.E (CE-2004)

Experience: 17 Years

Email ID: shailendra.aote@nmims.edu

Mobile No.: 9096896565 

Subject Teaching:

              Machine Learning & Deep Learning

              Data Visualization and Handling

              Artificial Intelligence

              Time Series Analysis 

Research areas:

              Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning 

Awards & Recognition:

  1. Received 1st RCOEM young researcher’s award in Feb 2018.
  2. Received Consistent Publication award in 2022 & 2023 at RCOEM
  1. Third Merit in M.Tech.
  2. Approved Supervisor for Ph.D., M.E. by Research, and PG Teacher RTMNU in Computer Science & Engineering 

Research Project & Consultancy:

Principal Investigator of project "Drone Detection-Identification-Recognition” sponsored by Solar Industries, Economic Explosives Ltd., Nagpur (Sanction Amount: Rs. 6.09 Lacs) 

Journal Publications:

SCIE (Web of Science) & Scopus

  1. Shailendra Aote, Anjusha Pimpalshende, Archana Potnurwar, Shantanu Lohi, "Binary Particle Swarm Optimization with an Improved Genetic Algorithm to Solve Multi-Document Text Summarization problem of Hindi Documents”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, Nov 2022, 117 (2023) 105575, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2022.105575 [ Unpaid- SCIE, SCOPUS, Q1]
  2. Shailendra S. Aote, Potnurwar, "An automatic video annotation framework based on two level keyframe extraction mechanism”, Multimedia Tools & Applications, Springer. Jun 2019, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6826-3, vol 78, issue 11, pp. 14465–14484. [ Unpaid - SCIE, SCOPUS, Q1]
  3. Shailendra Aote, Nisha Wankhade, "An Improved Deep Learning Method for Flying Object Detection and Recognition”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer, Volume 18, pages 143–152, Feb-2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-023-02703-y. [Unpaid- SCIE, SCOPUS]
  4. Shailendra S. Aote, M.M.Raghuwanshi, L.G.Malik, "Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Natural flocking Behaviour”, Arabian Journal of Science & Engineering, Springer. DOI:10.1007/s13369-015-1990-5, vol 41, Mar 2016, pp. 1067-1076. [ Unpaid- SCIE, SCOPUS, Q1]
  5. Shantanu Lohi, Shailendra S. Aote, "Integrating Two-Level Reinforcement Learning Process for Enhancing Task Scheduling Efficiency in a Complex Problem-Solving Environment”, IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1080/03772063. 2023.2185298. [ Unpaid- SCIE, SCOPUS] 

Scopus & ESCI (WOS)

  1. Akshat Chandak, Shailendra S. Aote, "Two-stage approach to solve ethical morality problem in self-driving cars", AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication, Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-022-01517-9, vol 39, pp 693-703, 2024. [Unpaid- Scopus, ESCI] 


  1. ArchanaV.Potnurwar, Dr Shailendra S. Aote, Vrushali K. Bongirwar, "Design of Traffic Volume Forecasting based on genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, July 2019, pp. 4264-4268, DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B2512.078219. [SCOPUS]
  2. Shree Laddha, Shailendra Aote, "Travel Location Sequence Recommendation From User’s Point of Interest”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2) (2018) 772-776, doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.12484. [SCOPUS]
  3. V. Zadgaonkar, A. J. Agrawal, Shailendra S. Aote, "Facet-Extraction-based approach for query recommendation using data mining approach”, International journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1)(2018)121-125, DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i1.8944. [SCOPUS]
  4. Avinash J. Agrawal, Dr. Rashmi R. Welekar, Dr. Namita Parati, Dr. Pravin R. Satav, Dr. Leena H. Patil, Dr. Shailendra S. Aote, "Diabetes Prediction Using Medical Data and Disease Influence Measures using Machine Learning”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems And Applications in Engineering, , 11(10s), 01–10, Aug-2023, ISSN:2147-6799, https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/3229


  1. Shailendra S. Aote, Aayush Muley, Adesh Kotgirwar, Yash Daware, Gaurav Shukla and Jayesh Kapse, "Emotion-based Media Recommendation System”, International Journal of Next-Generation Computing - Special Issue, Vol. 12, No. 5, November 2021, pp. 587-592. https://doi.org/10.47164/ijngc.v12i5.415 [Web of Science ESCI/UGC Care-I]
  2. Shailendra Aote, Pankhudi Tiwari, Manjiri Butolia, Aaishwarya Suradkar and Shrasti Gupta, "Object Detection in Real Time Video”, Biosc. Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 14 (2020) Pp-95-97, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.14/23. [Web of Science (ESCI) ]
  3. Roshni Jambhulakar and Shailendra S. Aote, "Tiny Face Detection And Recognition: A Review”, Biosc. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 14 (2020) Pp-204-207, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.14/48. [Web of Science (ESCI) ]
  4. Shree Laddha, Shailendra Aote, "Travel Location Recommendation from Users’ Feedback”, Helix, The Scientific Explorer, 8(5): 3769- 3773, Oct 2018, DOI 10.29042/2018-3769-3773.        [Web of Science (ESCI) ]
  5. Archana Potnurwar, Anjusha Pimpalshende, Shailendra S. Aoteand Vrushali Bongirwar, "Extractive Multi-Document Text Summarization by Using Binary Particle Swarm Optimization”, Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 14 (2020) Pp-32-34, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.14/8. [Web of Science (ESCI) ]
  6. Vrushali Bongirwar, Anjusha Pimpalshende, Shailendra S. Aote and Archana Potnurwar, "Illegal Link Tracker”, Biosc. Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 14 (2020) Pp-78-80, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.14/19. [Web of Science (ESCI) ]
  7. Jigyasu Prakash, Kalyani Joshi, Manali Bhavsar, Suyash Sinha, Yash Sharangpani and Shailendra Aote, "Traces Detection Of Coronavirus Patients”, Biosc. Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 14 (2020) Pp-361-363, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.21786/bbrc /13. 14/83. [Web of Science (ESCI) ]


Peer Reviewed

  1. Shailendra S. Aote, Dr M M Raghuwanshi, Dr. Latesh Malik, "A Brief Review on Particle Swarm Optimization: Limitations & Future Directions”, International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 2 No.05 Sep 2013, ISSN: 2319-7323, pp 196-199. [ Unpaid Journal]
  2. Aditi R. Pawar, Shailendra S. Aote, "Survey of traffic volume forcasting”, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol 5, Issue 12, E-ISSN: 2347-2693, Dec-2017, pp. 218-222. [ICI]
  3. Shailendra Aote, PurveshBaghele, PradyotPatil, Prasad Pattiwar, Sai Pradyumn Shrivastava, Priyanka Singh, Madhur Chhangani, "OBJECT DETCTION FOR SIMULATED AUTONOMOUS CARS”, Journal of Analysis and Computation (JAC), Volume XIII, Issue III, March, 2019, pp. 1-6, ISSN 0973-2861 [UGC Approved , ICI]
  4. Shailendra S. Aote, Anuradha Dubey, Charul Singh, Shumaila Sheikh, Rachit Lalla, Vedant Tiwari, "Traffic Surveillance System”, Test Engineering & Management, May – June 2020, Volume 83, pp: 12062 – 12067.
  5. Antarang Poogalia, Shailendra S. Aote, "Faulty accumulations based on image processing”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238, Jun-20, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 11825 – 11830.
  6. Vrushali K. Bongirwar, Dr.Archana V.Potnurwar, Dr Shailendra Aote, "Different variants of Particle Swarm Optimization, its limitations and future directions”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Jul 2018, Volume 120 No. 6 2018, pp.11731-11747.
  7. Shailendra S. Aote., Potnurwar, A., Vallabhaneni, S., Pogalla, N. R., Kumar, P., Doshi, R. B., & Khurram, S. A. "AI enabled makeup tool”, International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S1), pp. 10357–10364. May-2022. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS1.7488.
  8. Shailendra S. Aote, Sana Syad, "Image Caption Generation using Deep Learning Technique”, Journal of Algebraic Statistics, Volume 13, No. 3, 2022, p. 2260 – 2267.
  9. Shailendra S. Aote, M. M. Raghuwanshi, L.G.Malik, "Learning in Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 4 Issue 9, September 2015, pp. 3730-3733.
  10. Voore Subba sRao, Vishnu Vardhan, Shailendra Aote, "A Web based Formulation Language for Information Retrieval System in Easy Way”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975–8887),Volume 76 – No.14, August 2013, Page 43-48.
  11. Divyanshu Mataghare, Shailendra S. Aote, Ramchand Hablani, "TEXT TO IMAGE GENERATION USING STABLE DIFFUSION”, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (S3), 4347 – 4353, DOI: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.496
  12. Safia Farheen, Ramchand Hablani, Shailendra S. Aote, "Creative Fashion Generation Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks”, Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023, 12 (S3), 4436 – 4442, DOI: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.508


Conference Publications

  1. Aote, S.S., Panpaliya, S., Hedaoo, N., Mane, S., Pathak, S. (2024). Object Detection and Trajectory Prediction of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Deep Learning. In: Senjyu, T., So–In, C., Joshi, A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. SmartCom 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 946. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1323-3_19 [SCOPUS]
  2. Shailendra S. Aote, Dr M M Raghuwanshi, Dr. Latesh Malik, "Particle Swarm Optimization based on winner’s strategy”, Proceedings of SEMCCO 2015, LNCS Vol. 9873, pp. 201–213, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48959-9_18 [SCOPUS]
  3. Shailendra S. Aote, Dr M M Raghuwanshi, Dr. Latesh Malik, "A New Particle Swarm Optimizer with Cooperative Coevolution for Large Scale Optimization”, Proceedings of FICTA: Springer- AISC, Vol.327, ISBN NO: 978-3-319-1933-5,14th -15th Nov 2014, pp 781-790, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-11933-5_88 [SCOPUS]
  4. Shailendra Aote, Dr. M.U.Kharat, "A Game Theory in Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of ICAC3'09, ACM Digital Library, ISBN: 978-160558351-8, 2009, pp.235-238, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/1523103.1523153 [SCOPUS]
  5. Shantanu Lohi, Shailendra Aote, "Enhancing the Employability of Engineering Graduates: An Assertion on Fundamental Educational Aspect of Engineering Education with Proposing a Hypothesis of ‘Wishing Theory’-Based on Prospective Machine Learning Model”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume 520, Pages 161 – 169 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development , ICT4SD 2022Panaji29 July 2022through 30 July 2022. [SCOPUS]




  1. Topic: A Public Ration Distribution System     [Granted]

              Application No: 202221044839

            Patent Number: 486965    granted on dated 21-12-2023

  1. Topic: A System for Assisting a Visually Impaired Person       [Granted]

             Application No: 202121037224               

             Patent Number: 495723   granted on dated 08-01-2024

  1. Topic: An Automatic Vending System

              Application No: 202121048594

              Publication Date: 05/11/2021

  1. Topic: Smart Traffic Monitoring System

              Application No: 201721028013              

              Publication Date: 08/02/2019

  1. Topic: An IoT based Intelligent Baby Cradle

              Application No: 202421027246              

              Publication Date: 03/05/2024


Book/Book Chapters:

  1. Shailendra S. Aote, Dr M M. Raghuwanshi, "Mathematical Optimization by Using Particle Swarm, Genetic Algorithm, and Differential Evolution and Its Similarities”, Book chapter of Handbook of Research on Soft Computing and Nature-Inspired Algorithms, IGI Global Publication, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2128-0.ch011, 2017, pp.325-358. [Scopus Indexed]
  2. Shailendra S. Aote, Dr. Amit Khaparde, Dr. Balamurugan Balusamy, Aayush Muley, Adesh Kotgirwar, Atharva Uplanchiwar, Lalita Sharma, "Electronic Health Records Storing and Sharing System Using Blockchain”, Healthcare 4.0 Health Informatics and Precision Data Management, ISBN 9781032108605, December 22, 2022, by Chapman and Hall/CRC, 267-277 [Scopus Indexed]
  3. Guest Editor in Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communication, Special issue on Innovative Research on Management, Science and Technology, Volume no 14 Number (5) 2021
  4. Archana Potnurwar, Shailendra S. Aote, "Video Annotation Using Soft computing”, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , 23-08-2021, ISBN-13: 978-620-4-19988-7



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